Keep all receipts and create notes to record payments without receipts. Keep an account book by expense categories. This way you will be able to see what areas you tend to overspend. Use envelopes for each category of expenses with an allocated amount of money for a set-time, like a month. Pay bills by check...
Category: Tips, Tools & Resources
Top 10 Ways to Save
Being frugal does not always mean being cheap. Remember to keep this essential attitude. There is a greater reason for not spending money. Shop based on sales. Stock up on items that you use regularly when the store is having a sale. Know your prices. Compare prices of items commonly purchased for your home. Keep...
20 Bank Fraud Prevention Tips for Consumers
With over 11 million identity fraud victims in the United States annually. Here are 20 easy ways to secure your bank accounts and avoid identity theft. Check your account activity regularly. Single most effective strategy to secure your finances. Log in and view your account activity multiple times every week to make sure there are no unexpected...
Tips to Help Generation X Improve Their Financial Situation
Employees across all generations are experiencing financial hardship. From the Baby Boomers approaching retirement after a decade of weak stock and real estate markets to the Millennials facing poor job prospects and rising student loan payments. However, according to a recent generational research report, the smaller – and often forgotten – Generation X is the...