
Certificate of Deposit Calculator

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Certificate of Deposit Calculator

Use this calculator to find out how much interest you can earn on a Certificate of Deposit (CD). Just enter a few pieces of information and we will calculate your annual percentage yield (APY) and ending balance. Click on the "View Report" button to see a detailed schedule of your CDs balance and interest earned.

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For more information about these these financial calculators please visit: Dinkytown Financial Calculators from KJE Computer Solutions, LLC

By changing any value in the following form fields, calculated values are immediately provided for displayed output values. Click the view report button to see all of your results.
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*indicates required.
Annual percentage yield (APY):
Total annual yield:
Total yield:
Column Graph: Please use the calculator's report to see detailed calculation results in tabular form.


Initial deposit

The amount of money you choose to open your CD with.


The term of the CD, expressed in months.

Interest rate

The published interest rate for this CD. Make sure to enter the actual interest rate, not the annual percentage yield (APY). It is important to remember that these scenarios are hypothetical and that future interest rates can't be predicted with certainty.


The interest earned on your CD is added to your CD balance at regular intervals. This is called "compounding." This calculator allows you to choose the frequency that your CD's interest income is compounded. The more frequently this occurs, the sooner your accumulated interest income will generate additional interest. You may wish to check with your financial institution or account opening documents to find out how often interest is being compounded on your CD.

Annual percentage yield (APY)

This is the effective annual interest rate earned for this CD. A CD's APY depends on the frequency of compounding and the interest rate. Since APY measures your actual interest earned per year, you can use it to compare CDs that have different interest rates and compounding frequencies.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Thursday, November 28, for Thanksgiving.

All DuTrac offices will be closed Wednesday, June 19, for Juneteenth.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Thursday, July 4, for Independence Day.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Monday, September 2, for Labor Day.

All DuTrac branches will be closed at 1:00PM on Tuesday, December 24 for Christmas Eve and all day Wednesday, December 25 for Christmas Day.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Wednesday, January 1 for New Year's Day.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Monday, January 15, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. day.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Monday, February 17, for Presidents' Day.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Monday, May 27, for Memorial Day.

Credit card activity will be unavailable for viewing through e-banking or CardValet until Tuesday, October 15 while we upgrade our system.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Monday, November 11, for Veterans Day.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Monday, December 25, for Christmas Day.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Monday, January 1, for New Year's Day.

Scheduled Maintenance Alert - March 12th from 10 PM to 12 AM. Home Banking, Mobile Link, and Access Line will be temporarily unavailable. For questions, please call 563-582-1331 or email

Due to inclement weather, all DuTrac branches will close at 1:00 PM today, January 9. Online banking, AccessLine, ATMs and our app are available 24/7 for your convenience.