Here’s your chance to win tickets to see the world-famous Harlem Globetrotters when their Spread Game Tour stops at the Five Flags Center in Dubuque on Monday, March 21st at 7:00 pm. We’ll be giving away: **This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who entered! A Magic Pass. Includes: 4 tickets to the game,...
Category: DuTrac News
Small Business Grant Contest
Attention small business owners, here’s your chance to win cash and valuable business support prizes for your business from FedEx®. The 2022 FedEx Small Business Grant Contest will award over $360,000 in cash and prizes to small businesses across the country: Grand Prize: Three winners of $50,000, plus $4,000 credit for FedEx Office print services....
New Business Hours Beginning March 14th
Our business hours for lobby and drive-up locations will be changing, effective March 14, 2022. With these changes, please consider utilizing DuTrac’s online banking service PC Branch, DuTrac’s MobileLink smartphone app or by phone with Accessline at (563) 557-5000 for 24-hour access. For directions and contact information for each location, visit the Locations page. If you...
DuTrac Earns A+ Health and Stability Rating, a subsidiary of LendingTree, has released its list of 2021 Health Grades for credit unions and banks in the United States. DuTrac Community Credit Union has earned an A+ rating. Each quarter, the organization evaluates the financial health of more than 4,000 federally insured bank and nearly 3,000 federally insured credit unions in the country....
Winter 2021 Newsletter
Read the latest news from DuTrac Community Credit Union: Winter 2021 Update.
Resources for Those Impacted by Severe Weather
Following the recent severe weather across the state, Governor Kim Reynolds has issued multiple press releases announcing disaster proclamations for 49 counties (initial press release for 43 counties, second press release for additional six counties). For more information on available resources at the state level, click here. In addition, the Iowa Credit Union Foundation (ICUF)...
2022 Honor Flights Announced, Donations Accepted at DuTrac
Honor Flight of Dubuque and the Tri-States has announced two tentatively-scheduled flights to Washington D.C. for veterans of World War II, the Korean Conflict, and the Vietnam War. The flights are planned for May 23 and May 24, providing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for veterans to see the memorials built in their honor. The cost to...
Kids Holiday Concerts
DuTrac has once again partnered with local radio stations to present recordings of holiday concerts held at area schools. We’re excited to have our local schools showcase their talented students this holiday season. Because the elementary schools in Dubuque are not participating in music programs due to COVID, we asked our local middle schools to...
DuTrac Hosts 75th Annual Meeting
DuTrac Community Credit Union held its 75th Annual Meeting on Monday, October 11th. The event was held via Zoom Webinar to broadcast live presentations to the members in attendance from across the area. Election results recognized Daniel Deutmeyer, Scott Neyens and Nicholas Specht being each re-elected to the DuTrac Board of Directors to a one, 3-year...
Happy International Credit Union Day!
DuTrac is proud to join with credit unions around the world to raise awareness about what it means for members to have a credit union as their financial partner. To celebrate, the International Credit Union League (ICUL) has worked with Governor Kim Reynolds to proclaim today as Credit Union Day in Iowa. Read the press...